The Wedding of

Della & Thomas

Akad : Jumat, 30 Desember 2022
Resepsi : Kamis, 29 Desember 2022


Tamu Undangan

di Tempat.

Wedding Invitation

Della & Thomas

Save The Date





"And over all this virtue put on love, which bind them all together in perfect unity."

(Colossian 3:14)​

The Groom & Bride

Tuhan membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya. Indah saat Dia mempertemukan, indah saat Dia menumbuhkan kasih, dan indah saat Dia mempersatukan kami dalam suatu ikatan pernikahan kudus.

The Bride
Yolanda Adelheid Delasagita Barus
Putri Kedua
Gabriel Rudyanto Barus (+) dan
Christiana Herianawati Liestyaningsih Harsono
The Groom
Thomas Jefferson
Putra Pertama
Nikodemus Rasnan Magetanapu'ang dan
Theresia Florentina Isnaini

Wedding Events

Kediaman Mempelai Wanita
Jl Tanjung Sari 1C/08,
Pedurungan Tengah, Semarang
Gereja St. Paulus Sendangguwo Semarang
Jl. Dr. Muwardi Timur VII No.7, Kalicari, Kec. Pedurungan, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Live Streaming

Kami juga berencana untuk mempublikasikan pernikahan kami secara virtual melalui live streaming youtube yang bisa anda ikuti melalui link berikut:

RSVP & Wishes

Mohon mengisi RSVP dan satu undangan
berlaku untuk 1-3 orang

Wedding Gift

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, bagi keluarga, sahabat, dan rekan yang ingin memberikan tanda kasih untuk kami, dapat melalui :



a/n Yolanda Delasagita Barus

Salin No.Rek



a/n Thomas Jefferson

Salin No.Rek


Alamat Pengiriman Hadiah Fisik

Jl. Tanjung Sari 1C/08, RT04/RW14 Pedurungan Tengah, Semarang 50192

Salin Alamat


On November 2019

We're matched on Tinder. A couple weeks later we had same schedule for went to Bali, but in different occasion. We still had our own relationship with another, So, we decided not to meet each other, even our place was 20 meters away. We had lost contact after.

On Feb 2020

Thomas asked to grab some coffee, then i agreed. We started to keep in touch until there was a time i had a problem. It needs me to go back to Semarang as soon as possible. Thomas is the only one who cares and takes me to Semarang directly at that day. (By the way we just met like 2 times only) Long drive without any conversation between us. BUT, the story has begin from this trip.
Long story short, as we had been through on the trip, we decided to prepare our future together.

On April 2021

We did our engagement as our commitment to take another big step of life. All the process were monitored by phone since we both based in Jakarta and the event in Semarang.

On 2022

Here we are, preparing our Wedding Day! we choose our special day on 30th December because it is the feast of Holy Family Day. We hope that as a family could grow together and being the salt and light for surrounding just like Holy Family of Nazareth.

Our Gallery


From when I first saw you, I felt that I was finally home, all I want is to make your dreams come true and share our dreams together.

Live Moment

Bantu kami mengabadikan momen-momen bahagia di acara pernikahan kami dengan Instagram Filter di Stories, Save Filter yang telah kami sediakan dan Jangan Lupa Tag ya ❤

Acara ini diselenggarakan dengan protokol kesehatan yang harus dipatuhi demi mencegah penyebaran virus Covid-19.

Hand Sanitizer

Memakai Masker

Menjaga Jarak

Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i berkenan hadir dan memberikan doa restu kepada kami. Atas kehadiran dan Doa Restunya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Della & Thomas

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