The Wedding of

Andre & Rachel

Saturday, July 2nd 2022


Guest Name

You're Invited!

Wedding Invitation

Andre & Rachel

Andre & Rachel

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a

The Groom & Bride

We would like to invite you to witness and be a part of our new beginning.


Andryanto Samuel Widjaja

First son of Mr. Herrianto Widjaja and
Mrs. Titin Sihweni



Natasya Rachel

Daughter of Ms. Chris Fitaliani Prasasti

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

The Day

Saturday, July 2nd 2022
09.00 AM (WIB)


GKI Darmo Satelit
Jl. Kupang Indah XV No. 11-15, Putat Gede, Suko Manunggal, Putat Gede, Surabaya

We are unable to invite all of you to our Holy Matrimony. But you can join virtually via Youtube Live Streaming through the following link:


The Day

Saturday, July 2nd 2022
04.00 PM (WIB)

*Please attend according to the specified session


Casa Millieu
Citraland Waterfront WP 1 No.16, Surabaya

Virtual Wedding

We also plan to publish our wedding virtually via Youtube Live Streaming that you can join through the following link:

Counting Down to the Big Day


Love Story

November 2018

We have known each other before, but God brought us together into this project where Andre was the videographer and Rachel was the model. We had the chance to talk and know each other better.

July 2019

On a road trip to Batu, we talked about our vision and mission and then not long after, we decided that we are serious about each other and ready to call this an exclusive relationship.

August 16th 2019

Our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend <3

January 10th 2021

Andre proposed and we're engaged to each other!

April 3rd 2021

We had our engagement ceremony and welcomed each other to the family, it was a very special day for us.

July 2nd 2022

We are ready to start a family together and for God to bless our marriage surrounded by our beloved family and friends.

Help us capture the best moment in our wedding day with the following Instagram Filter in your social media Stories ❤


Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event with the following RSVP form :


Yoga Yosanta
Happy wedding reci & ko andre, GBU always
Daniel Kusuma
Congratulations for both of you. Wishing all the best for you both! Semoga Tuhan memberkati dan selalu menyertai hubungan kalian!
Fanny Gabriella
Selamat Andre & Rachel!! Tuhan Yesus berkati perjalanan kalian yaaaa 🙂
Selamat Andre & rachel ! Semoga selalu berbahagia, Tuhan Berkati keluarga barunya
dr.Harris Armadhi, SpOG
Congratulations Andre & rachel ! Wishing both of you always surrounded by lots of love, and enjoy your next chapter of life ! ❤️
congratulations ko andre and reciii! wishing you an amazing life together full of adventures and happiness joy and laughter + cuaannn!🤍🤍
Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga selalu berbahagia.
Liana Puspita
Congratulations for both of you!! Thank you for inviting me to share in this day with you and your family. Best wishes for a long and happy life together God Bless always <3
Mr Eping
Selamat untuk kalian berdua dan Tuhan Yesus memberkati.
Aawwww finally!!! CONGRATS
Nadya Wulan
Congratulation!! Happy for you guys, thankyou for inviting me.. see you!!
CONGRATSSS U BOTH! Happy for you guyssss Semoga Tuhan selalu menyertai setiap langkah kalian berdua, yg terbaik selalu ya. cpt pny dedek bayi yaaaa eheheeheheh 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 Thankyou for inviting meeeee GBU alwaysssss 💖💖💖
Samuel & Nattaya
Congratulations, lovebird! Finally you guys are tying the knot 🥰 We’re happy for you! Semoga Tuhan selalu sertai langkah kalian berdua di fase kehidupan yg baru. We’re both glad to know you as brother and sister, not just as friends or coworker. Kami cuma bisa berdoa dan mendukung untuk segala hal terbaik untuk kalian. May God always bless you!
ANDRE-RACHEL MENUJU HALAL!!!!! Pokoknya semua yang terbaik buat kalian, semoga gak bingung saling tanya mau makan apa lagi, hmmmm Udah ya, gak pinter kasi wishes nih :') wishing both of you lots of love and happiness!
Diva to Ko Andre (and rachel?)
Ko Andre, kita mungkin pernh ketemu scara proper ga lebih dr 5x but as her (self proclaim) closest friend, sister from another mother, im asking you to PLEASE DO YOUR VERY BEST to take care of her. I meant it. Shes been through a lot and from now on all she deserves is nothing less than a happy life. Due to my surgery sorri gabisa dateng, tp with all due respect, if you ever hurt her i'll fly back to surabaya and ram you with my wheelchair. 🙂 *to rachel: nanti kita bisa sndiri laya hehe. Congrats for your wedding!

Wedding Gift

For some who may want to take the time to send us gift, please kindly tap the button down below:


a/n Iis Rahmawati


a/n Iis Rahmawati


Andryanto Samuel Widjaja

Andre & Rachel

It’s important to us that everyone stays safe, please read carefully our Wedding Day Covid-19 Guidance before attending the event:

Face Mask

Washing Hands


Avoid Handshake

Physical Distancing

Thank you so much for celebrating with us at our wedding. It was the most wonderful day of our lives. It would not have been the same without you! We are truly grateful for you generosity and presence on our special day

Lots of love,

Andre & Rachel

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